Video: 20 years verope Celebration

We are excited to share a video of the verope 20th Anniversary Celebration. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed to making this day special.

This year marks a significant milestone – the 20th anniversary of verope! We were honored to kick off the celebrations with our esteemed friends and distributors. During the event at the verope Service Center, guests gained valuable insights into our daily operations, including research and development, maintenance, customer service, marketing, mining ropes, and our latest product line in the elevator sector.

In addition to celebrating our global network, we also had the pleasure of celebrating the birthdays of our CEO & founder, Pieter Verreet, and his brother, Roland Verreet, affectionately known as the Rope Pope. Special thanks to Michael Weiser for providing the music and to all our guests for spending the day with us!

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